Today in North America most people don’t know the origins of Halloween.
Our children dress up in costumes and go to neighbourhood houses, knocking on the doors and saying, “Trick or Treat”. People give them candy.
This is our ten month old grandson, Archer in his first Halloween costume. He did not go trick or treating. =)
Halloween is actually based on old Roman and Celtic festivals.
It is the night before “All Souls Day” when people would remember their loved ones who had passed away. I think this is a little like the Japanese Obon festival. People would dress up so they would not be recognized by spirits. They would make loud noises to scare away spirits (now we use fireworks). The Jack-O-lantern or carved pumpkin comes from a story of Jack who made an agreement with the devil. When he couldn’t keep his end of the agreement he was forced to wander the earth forever using a candle and carve out turnip as a lantern. When Irish people came to North America they didn’t have turnips but they had pumpkins so they changed the lantern to a pumpkin.
At our house the children must walk through a giant wood pumpkin to trick or treat. Usually they would come to the front door. Our front door has no stairs up to it so I stand at the edge of the porch and say in a scary voice, “Hold open your bag. I will drop in some candy”. The children love it.
Our two cats, Wooster and Bella.
By Bonnie
